Customer Testimonials

I have had the honor of knowing and working with Vall and his team for about two years. They worked on one of my medical devices related to IV infusion therapy and needle safety products. Not only was the finished product better than I expected, but the process of working with him was a pleasure.

I was always informed throughout the process through emails and phone calls, letting me know exactly where in the process we were.The extensive engineering background allowed for them to come up with suggestions that made the product more efficient.

I appreciated of the input and ideas for making my product something that I will feel confident in showing to industry representatives.It is because of the above reasons and his high moral standards that, I can recommend VallMar for any future endeavors in the engineering field.

Armando Pardillo M.D.,

Anesthesiologist Business Owner & Inventor, New Mexico, USA

I am writing this letter about my experiences I have had involving Mr. Vall Iliev and his team at Vallmar Studios. I have enjoyed working with Vall for about two years on two projects we have going. He has impressed me very much so on one prototype he has engineered and built and another one that is in the process.

I gave him the drawings and guidelines I much needed to be incorporated in my ideas towards both prototypes. He performed excellent on my projects and he went a step further about additional ideas we could add to them. It was the final ingredient to add the finishing touches to the products.

He has kept me well informed on my projects that we have formed a good working rela- tionship. VallÕs input has been fantastic and because of his engineering and ideas I highly recommend Vall to do your projects as well.

Paul R.,

Construction Supervisor& Inventor. Wisconsin, USA

We love the work that was done by VallMar. It looks outstanding!!!! I am amazed how they made my idea come to life! As we move forward with new ideas, we will certainly use this team again! I am so appreciative of Vall and his team for all of their hard work

Jennifer L.,

Inventor. Maryland, USA

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what a pleasure it was to work with you and your company, Vallmar. Not only was the finished product better than I expected, but the process of working with you was a pleasure. You kept me informed throughout the process through email and phone calls, letting me know exactly where in the process you were.Your engineering background showed as you came up with some good suggestions for my product.

I appreciated all your input and ideas for making my product something that I will feel confident in showing to industry representatives.

Jim S.,

Business Owner/Inventor. Ohio, USA

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